I have read a few things from the ASF website with a view to finding out the vertical accuracy of the ASF 12.5m by 12.5m DEM, but am yet to be fortunate. I was wondering if anybody knows and is willing to share?
The 12.5m DEM originates from the National Elevation Dataset (NED13, see source [1]). Various accuracy measures are given in the report of source [2]. It was assessed using 25,000 reference points throughout North America. Some statistics on the absolute vertical accuracy:
The DEMs were pre-processed by ASF to a consistent raster format (GeoTIFF) from the original source formats: height (*.hgt), ESRI ArcGrid (*.adf), etc. Many of the NASA-provided DEMs were provided as orthometric heights with EGM96 vertical datum. These were converted by ASF to ellipsoid heights using the ASF MapReady tool named geoid_adjust. The pixel reference varied from the center (pixel as point) to a corner (pixel as area). The GAMMA software, used to generate the terrain-corrected products, uses pixel as area and adjusts DEM coordinates as needed. Where more than one DEM is available, the best-resolution DEM is used for processing. Complete DEM coverage from a single DEM source is required for processing to proceed.