Chloride increases in milk from mastitic cows because of inflammatory damage to membranes and "leakage". I do not think you can detect mastitis by measuring chloride, but you can by measuring conductivity of the milk, which is simpler than measuring chloride. Conductivity increases in milk of cows with mastitis.
Chloride concentration vary during the stage of the lactation and during inflammatory processes. Mineral concentration can also depend on the cow's breed. Even though, you would expect 0.8-1.2 g/L range on normal cow's milk.
Chlorides increase in mastitis milk and because the osmotic preasure between milk and blood is constant so, the concentration of lactose sugar decrease. In normal milk the concentration of chlorides about .11% in mastitis milk increased to more .14%
You can detemine the lactose chloride value
Cl *100/lactose
Ifthe value more than 3means the milk is abnormal milk