Hello, I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis and I am trying to investigate, based on BD2MS2 selectorate theory, whether the ratio of government expenditure to the winning coalition/selectorate value can provide an explanation as to why some leaders under economic sanctions are able to maintain office better than others. For this, I need a statistical model that will allow me to test the correlation between a dependent variable (has the leader remained in power regardless of the sanctions imposed against him) and an independent variable that varies over time (as I said before, gov't spending in relation to w/s for the duration of sanctions). I would also like to compare this correlation at least with the country's score on the polity scale and its gdp per capita, to see if using the selectorate theory provides any better results. Does anyone know what the best statistical model to do this would be? I must add that I am not the most versed in complicated statistical models but I am a fast learner, so any suggestion would help. Thank you so much!