I am taking part in a study that aims to enlighten the different impacts of group psychotherapy on alexithymia and emotional regulation for all comers patients in a day hospital.

The design appears simple. A patient enters in the hospital and some demographic information are taken in order to construct his/her personal, family and medical history. Then, he/she completes a battery of tests (MMPI-II; TAS-20 for alexithymia; Perceived social support;  and DOE-36 for emotional openness). After this, he/she takes part in the proposed group activities. When the support end, the patient completes the same battery of tests, without the MMPI-II. 

The main purpose of this work is to find signicative predictors of progression on TAS and DOE measurements. More precisely, we would like to be able in the future to obtain a base line of quantitative data (according to scores on MMPI-II, age, sex and scores on alexithymia and emotional openness) that would provide information for a better support (ideal lenght of stay; a recommended number of activities; medication; and perceived social support).  

I would like to perform multivariated regressions but I haven't found an effective way to take into account the repeated measures. If I apply a delta on these repeated measures, I lose the position of the subject on the scales.

Does someone have a suggestion of statistical analyses to perform ? 

Many thanks in advance.

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