I am analyzing drugs for injection for residual solvents and use water as a blank. Injection volume is 0.5 ul with 10:1 split. Initial column temperature is 40oC with ramp up to 200oC at 4o/min.
Is it possible to have a contaminant in our water system or environment? The RT is 5 minutes.
Injecting water directly onto the GC typically isn't the best practice even if the column can handle it do to the backflash in the inlet as well as the solvent effect. Instead, residual solvents in such matrices are loaded onto the system via a headsapce auto-sampler. Beyond that it is impossible to say what your peak may be without further information.
When you start talking retention time you need to include column length.
It is quite likely you are steam cleaning your inlet with the water blank. Assuming you are using ultra pure water for the blank the inlet would be a good place to start.
Headspace as a sample introduction method is a much better place to start.