11 August 2023 5 5K Report


I have recently been considering the creation of a new competent E.coli strain for further research. I'm interested in incorporating a plasmid into this strain(~10Kb in size | replication origin is p15A ori | express 4 proteins controled via pBad system | Chloramphenicol resistent).

However, I am concerned about potential issues that might arise when I attempt to transform it with another plasmid that I need to extract(~5.2Kb in size | pUC/Origin | AmpR). I aim to extract this plasmid as purely as possible for mammalian cell transfection. I'm worried the incorporated plasmid may contaminate my plasmid extraction process.

While I could attempt to make the bacteria lose the ~10Kb plasmid by withdrawing the antibiotics, I believe this will be a time-consuming process. I've read in some articles that it might take approximately 30 generations for a bacterium to lose a plasmid.

There are two questions I would appreciate some input on:

1. When using a competent E.coli strains such as Rosetta (which includes pRARE) or LEMO21 (which includes pLEMO) to amplify plasmids, is the potential contamination from those innate plasmids a consideration?

2. I am wondering if it might be possible to use DNA size selection methods such as magnetic beads to extract only the smaller plasmid, which is approximately 5Kb in size.

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