It is a relatively new area of research in Nigeria and is usually a descriptive process. But you must remember that it has connections with marketing and therefore, one can adopt marketing techniques. The other thing to say is that most quantitative tools can be applied. It all depends on what your objectives are.your
Your objectives are important before any particular article can be suggested. Why not try scholar google. Our work on it is still at the early stages and has not been published yet.
Value chain analysis involves analysis of all supporting & primary activities in the process of transforming input into output which is value to the customer. Since in the value chain competitive advantage is created through cost structure and product differentiation which ultimately leads to value creation, performance analysis and the process synergy is required to be assessed.
value chain analysis is a way of assessing competitive advantage by determining and understand the various segments like costs related to every single activity,price points ,product differentiation, selling propositions etc.activities with in the company and out side the company will yield the greatest competitive advantage. Research point of view take the help of statistical tools like factoring analysis, chi-square test,regression analysis and other measures of dispersions are used for getting better results
I am developing new survey tools for value chain analysis, which I will apply on the rice sector in Asia. You may contact me personally for more details and papers.
You can download my articles on my RG account. The first step in VC research is assessing the value in end-markets. What are the important end-markets of the commodity in question and what are end-market users (exporters, consumers, industrial users) willing to pay for quality attributes.
This information will give you an idea of the value and expected impact of value chain upgrading. Next step is to analyze upgrading activities and business models that may link farmers better to end-markets and make them more responsive to end-market requirements (consumer preferences).
Choice experiments are definitely among the tools that can be useful for value chain research. You may want to assess farms' and firms' preferences for alternative business models. This may provide information on which institutional innovations are needed for value chain upgrading.
i am about to work on value chain analysis of fish seed production in ma state . As a beginner i am getting confused what to choose or not .Can anyone guide me to set the things in the right way ?