Thanks Gowri. I have heard that too. Just some people whom do QPCR tell me not to used GAPDH or Beta Actin because the RNA expression levels vary in the cell lines.
Thanks for your comment Nadine. I have done this already and there are some fluctuations between the genes. I decided after this to see what the general community thought to see if I could get a consensus.
Ok, perfect world solution, get up to 6 primer sets and decide. Either way, to get a good publication, recent reports are including 2 reference genes, so investing in that early step may prove helpful. Moreover, it really depends on your variables. I was studying the effect on cell metabolism and GAPDH was not recommended. Even though it showed no variability in my cell lines, I compared to 18S and TBP(TATA binding protein). It's context dependent really. Hope this helps!