Dear colleagues,

If after randomly assigning 100 participants each into three groups (300 total) in a pretest-posttest experiment, and you find differences between a couple of the groups on a measure of pretest IV, what would you do?

1. add pretest measure of the IV (or DV) in as a covariate in the ANOVA?


2. compare change scores on the IV (or DV) between groups instead of posttest scores


3. Use matching with more data collection to even out the groups: e.g., Collect another 40 participants: placing the twenty who score lowest on pretest IV into the group that previously had the highest average IV score--and the 20 who score highest on pretest IV in tho the group which previously had the lowest pretest IV score.


4. other ideas

I would pick 1. or 2. personally, and stick with random assignment throughout without any matching, but can you change my mind?

Interesting to hear what colleagues would argue on this topic.

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