I am analyzing a study and I would like to see if individual differences interact with situation factors (i.e. individual and situation = IV) regarding their impact on another factor (=DV).
IV1: Individual differences are numeric / interval variables (e.g. attitudes - score from 1 to 7).
IV2: Situation are nominal (e.g. Accepted vs Rejected) variables.
DV (e.g. meta-perception) is interval (score from 1 to 7).
And I would like to know if Attitudes and Acceptance (vs rejection) interact to predict meta-perception level.
So something like: Meta-perception ~ Attitudes * Acceptance.
This would normally be a regression but the situation variables are either fully repeated measures (meaning participants did all the conditions) or mixed (participants did 2 conditions on 4).
Do you know which test this could be? And do you have any resources to recommend about it that present a similar example? If you know resources using R it will be even better !
Thanks for your help,