Humorous English Spelling

Our English alphabet has only 26 letters to represent 45 different sounds. And some of our letters (like C, Q, H, and X) aren’t very useful. English has five vowel letters to represent thirteen different vowel sounds. And we use them all for our short vowels, as in pat, pet, pit, pot, and put. So we don’t have any letters left for our long vowels, and the result is chaos. This is how we spell our long vowels A, E, I, O, and U:

A: He ate the freight. It was his fate. How do you spell 8/eight?

E: The silly amoeba stole the key to the machine. Or Did he believe that Caesar could see the people?

I: I write eye-rhyme, like “She cited the sight of the site.”

O: Our chauffeur, although he stubbed his toe, yeomanly towed four more boards through the open door of the depot.

U: blue, blew, gnu, Hugh, new, Pooh, Sioux, through, two.

Don and Alleen Nilsen “Humor Across the Academic Disciplines” PowerPoints:

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