01 January 2016 6 6K Report

Hi everyone, 

Do you know how to check the existence of solution for non-linear equation set, especially for the case with random coefficients?

For example, we have the following equations:

f1(A1, x) = 0

f2(A2, x) = 0

where f1(.) and f2(.) are non-linear functions. 

Moreover, if A1 and A2 are continuous random variables, and x is a scalar (one dimension; or more generally, the dimensionality of x is less than the number of equations), can we claim that "with probability 1, the solution of these equation set does not exist"? What type of techniques can we use?

The intuition we believe it should be true is that if (under certain condition) each function f_i(A_i, x) restricts the variable x to a curve (the degree of freedom is reduced). If A1 and A2 are continuous random variables, then the intersection of these curves is empty with probability 1.

But it seems to be difficult to describe it in a rigorous manner. It may be related to "noise prevent singularity".

Thank you very much! 

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