
So I am having difficulty choosing a statistical test for my data analysing the effect of phage therapy on bacterial growth.

I have the means and standard deviations of strains of bacteria that each have 3 different conditions, the positive control group, the MOI 1 group and an MOI 10 group. I aimed to show that an MOI 1 of phages to bacteria has a significant effect on decreasing bacterial growth over 24 hours. I also wanted to check if increasing the MOI of phages to 10 would have an even greater effect on bacterial growth.

Effectively I want to compare the mean of the Control vs the MOI 1 vs the MOI 10 to see how effective the phages are in killing their host bacteria.

Each bacterial strain has a mean value for these 3 groups at 97 time points over 24 hours

Unfortunately, I've turned my brain inside out looking for tutorials for a relevant statistical test but all that has done is confused me more. Since it is a comparison of means I assumed I needed either a t-test or an ANOVA. However, with so many variations to choose from and all the different things like paired vs unpaired and dependent vs independent changing what test to use I have no idea anymore. Any help is much appreciated.

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