Hello. Sorry for my late reply. By the way, i work with LFP and spike data. When you have a raw signal (be aware of the aquisition sample rate), you need to apply several pre processing steps in order to extract meaningful info out of it. I use MAtlab with custom made script. Matlab is probably the best when it comes to analyze neuroscience related data (expecially lfp and spikes). I strongly encourage you to learn this language, otherwise phython should work the same. The first step you want to do is to apply a filter. LFP spans in the range between 1-300 Hz (200 Hz according some authors). Use a bandpass filter butterworth 2 order (low 1, high 300). Then, depending on the nature of your signal (single channel or linear multi channel) first plot your results in times series and start to taste what does it feel to see a neural signal flowing in time. Then you can play around and do some basic analysis, depending on the nature of the signal (evocked vs basal).