you want to inject 3.0 mg/kg STZ in 3.0 μl 0.9% saline (freshly prepared) into the left ventricle of the brain over 15 minutes, the cannuala will remain in the brain for another 5 - 7 minutes after the injection is done, after that you pull the cannula up and cement the pure hole in the skull and suture up the scalp wound, 21 - 23 days later you test and evaluate the mouse neurologically.
Thanks for your attention. Well then can't we use only hamilton syringe to make icv injection?(according to Halley and McCormic 1957) (not use cannuala)
Hamilton syringe needle in a mouse model it is too gross, what I did, is take a haematocrit glass cannula (without heparin) and stretch it under heat flame, to a tip 0.1 mm diameter. mount it on a hamilton syringe, then drive up the drug ( with the "modified" glass cannula on) then insert it into the brain to inject the drug.
this is what I do, hope it will work for you too. best of luck