Hi all,
I am currently trying to introduce a mutant gene and sub clone the wild type gene from pcDNA3.0 into pcDNA3.1.
After each gel purification, from PCR product to enzyme digestion, I have run a gel to make sure that it is still a single clear band so that when I do the ligation, I can be sure that it is as clean as possible without any contamination.
The ligation occurs at 16 degree overnight followed by 65 degree 10 mins. The total volume of the ligation is 10ul, with 50ng of vector and either 8.3ng, 55.86ng (mutants) or 65.15ng (wt) of insert.
The overnight culture (16hrs) on the ampicillin agar plate with DH5a (Thermo Fisher) shows that there was only 1 clone in the plate for the wt and nothing for the mutants.
Why does the transformation efficiency is so low? Is it possible that I have destroy the DH5a when handling them?
I have a lot more cloning to do so I really need to figure this out. Thanks!