Agricultural productivity is undoubtedly being affected by global warming and climate change. The rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, associated temperature rise and rainfall have physiological effects on plant/crop growth and yield. One cannot consider single factor's effect on productivity. The interactive effects of carbondioxide enrichment, temperature rise, rainfall, soil nutrients are very complex and hard to simulate and anticipate the impacts. Again it varies from rabi to kharif, C3 to C4 plants, tropical to temperate, region to region, soil to soil, and many others. Further there are direct and indirect impacts. The issue gets more complex while considering the indirect effects of varied soil quality/nutrient status, decomsotion/mineralization, evapouration, salinization/alkalization along with the incidence and intensity of pests and pathogens which find the changing climate regime favourable for them. Coastal areas will face double jeopardy. Salt water intrusion may pose the conventional crop production before a big question! Freshwater sources will also be affected. Salinization Naturally, to ensure food security a reality the climate resilient adaptation strategies needs to be holistic and integrative in nature  taking due consideration of all of the above issues.  

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