What qualitative techniques will be best suited for Hospitality Research to Find out consumer preferences on Green initiatives and Why? Please share any study using qualitative techniques. Thank you.
You can use questioners with a range of qualitative answer options. which will allow the respondents to respond in a free and qualitative manner and could be later converted in to scores and weights and put to quantitative analysis through composite indexing as well.
A variety of techniques are available, but perhaps some of these resources might point you in the right direction:
Rosenbaum, M.S., Corus, C., Ostrom, A.L., Anderson, L., Fisk, R.P., Gallan, A.S., et al. (2011). Conceptualization and aspirations of transformative service research. Journal of Research for Consumers, 19, 1-6.
Saxena, G., & Ilbery, B. (2008). Integrated rural tourism a border case study. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 233-254.
Sims, R. (2009). Food, place and authenticity: local food and the sustainable tourism experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(3), 321-336.
Conaghan, A. (2013). The demand for and supply of sustainable tourism in Ireland: towards the sustainable management of tourism destinations. Institute of Technology, Sligo, PhD Thesis.
Sampaio, A.R., Thomas, R., & Font, X. (2012). Small business management and environmental engagement. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(2), 179-193.
As Mohamed notes, individual interviews or focus groups are your two most likely choices. With individual interviews, you will get more depth and detail from each person, since you typically talk to them for about an hour. With focus groups, you will get more information about consensus and diversity because you will 6 or so people comparing their ideas over a 90-minute period.
Another factor you might also consider is how easy it would be to assemble focus groups. How convenient would it be to bring together a group of people at the same place and time?
based on experience, if you want rich and thick description of the result, than finterview is the answer and face to face is the best. But if you want to know just the reason and not you are not doing in depth then open ended questionnaire survey would be ideal. But again it all depends on the method you used (GT, Case study, narrative, phenomenology).
Depending on your budget, I think mixed methods will be a better approach, taking into consideration the second view and guidance given by Zaleha Othman, about reasons, then get into nitty gritty on why such reasons, using interviews and focused group discussions this will be able to give you whole rounded kind of research findings and conclusions.
The following references would be of interest should you want to go that direction.
You can also read Bryman Editions (2012 among others) in social science and business research. Very informative writing for choosing a research design.