I’ll be speaking on International GIS Day about the use of GIS in public health at a local university. I’ll be displaying a number of our department’s public health trend maps and discuss how GIS has fuelled our decisions.  I'm working on the presentation now, and I thought it would be fun and interesting to incorporate your views as well. The audience will be students and faculty largely naïve to GIS. You can help me craft an interesting presentation by answering some of the following questions:

1)      How do you get people excited about GIS and public health?

2)      Who are your public health GIS heroes? Why?

3)      What are the best online resources (e.g., educational and data) for GIS concepts related to public health?

4)      What are your favorite analyses for public health data? Why?

5)      What core concepts would you recommend emphasizing in the presentation?

6)      What are some of your public health GIS success stories?

7)      What does the future of GIS in public health look like?

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