I’m refining my OLS regression model before spatial analysis, but I’m having a hard time getting my Jarque-Bera statistic to be above 0.01. I’ve transformed the variables using natural logs when appropriate and only kept the variables that perform well in the model. Can you recommend any other way to help this statistic become non-significant (aside from stripping most variables out of the model)?

Example output (sorry about the size issue...):

Running script OrdinaryLeastSquares...

Summary of OLS Results

Variable Coefficient StdError t-Statistic Probability Robust_SE Robust_t Robust_Pr VIF [1]

Intercept -4.591413 0.277779 -16.529028 0.000000* 0.292723 -15.685185 0.000000* --------

IMPUTED_2007.FUNC 0.011823 0.003605 3.279831 0.001069* 0.003688 3.205543 0.001380* 2.072520

IMPUTED_2007.PSERVER 0.010306 0.003230 3.191250 0.001449* 0.003401 3.030011 0.002481* 2.026601

IMPUTED_2007.ALL_AVGSIZ -0.426755 0.032691 -13.054093 0.000000* 0.034610 -12.330403 0.000000* 1.219782

IMPUTED_2007.MALEP 0.147268 0.061111 2.409832 0.016014* 0.065360 2.253175 0.024315* 1.022368

IMPUTED_2007.FAC1_1 0.352825 0.012589 28.026491 0.000000* 0.013993 25.214714 0.000000* 1.593432

IMPUTED_2007.LN_SOLVENT -0.123617 0.032297 -3.827453 0.000143* 0.032640 -3.787269 0.000167* 1.535946

SHEET1$.CROWDING 1.414136 0.540345 2.617100 0.008913* 0.545406 2.592811 0.009565* 1.203746

SHEET1$.PLP_ARC 0.317365 0.022491 14.110940 0.000000* 0.023395 13.565666 0.000000* 1.416987

OLS Diagnostics

Input Features: Imputed_2007 Dependent Variable: INTERACTIONS_2$.LN_EBS_CHI

Number of Observations: 2608 Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) [2]: 3894.080949

Multiple R-Squared [2]: 0.476858 Adjusted R-Squared [2]: 0.475247

Joint F-Statistic [3]: 296.131844 Prob(>F), (8,2599) degrees of freedom: 0.000000*

Joint Wald Statistic [4]: 2021.550521 Prob(>chi-squared), (8) degrees of freedom: 0.000000*

Koenker (BP) Statistic [5]: 24.766749 Prob(>chi-squared), (8) degrees of freedom: 0.001702*

Jarque-Bera Statistic [6]: 13.346125 Prob(>chi-squared), (2) degrees of freedom: 0.001265*

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