I'm calculating directly age-adjusted standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for clients in our mental health and substance abuse systems. I'm using state-wide 2009 mortality data for observed values along with 2005-2009 American Community Survey (ACS) data for estimates of Ohio ages and genders. (One-year or three year ACS data doesn't have what I need.) The calculations I perform will result in statewide SMR’s, regional SMR’s, county level SMRs, and a few other unique geographic entities.

I found a great excel file out of the UK that automatically calculates SMRs, but I need to change the standardized European population to a standardized US population. My question follows this change:

What standardized US population values should I use?

I found year 2000 from the CDC, but should I use something else since my ACS data is from 2005-2009? Is there an easy way to calculate these values myself?

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