I am conducting a study on the effect of sleep preferences on cognitive performance, and I need a procedural task that is sensitive to sleep chronotypes.
I have used a spreadsheet task as a procedural task (see Kim & Ritter, 2015) to measure learning and forgetting. Any procedural tasks would be fine. But it is interesting to consider whether all the steps are proceduralized or not. The stress factor of sleep deprivation would affect the procedural task performance (fully proceduralized or not proceduralized). A procedural task that is not fully proceduralized would suffer from skill decay over time, leading to errors. Declarative memory items that are not solid enough between links would let the task performance collapse.
DearJames - Interesting question.What is the context of your work ? You may also like to see our work in Neuropsychologia. 2002;40(1):1-6. Coffee in the cornflakes: time-of-day as a modulator of executive response control. (Further details may be on my page) The subjects were all assessed on the Horne and Osteberg preference as well as SSS and self reported sleepiness throughout the 24 hr cycle. Good luck !