The products of blending frequently become entrenched as units in conceptual structures, ready to be activated at a shot by someone who has developed them. But how exactly does blending work?
Dear Ali, Suleyman and Raed, thank you very much for your quick responses,
Dear Ali, by blending I mean juxtaposition of at least two mental spaces (let it be some reminiscence from the past and the current situation). Blending, especially in its advanced forms, is rather creative and works almost entirely below the horizon of consciousness. Very often we run two multiple mental spaces at once, or, more generally, multiple constellated networks of mental spaces. So at times we are not absorbed by only one situation, and it is at the root of what makes us human.
Dear Suleyman, I would highly appresiate it if you kindly send me the links of any publications by Stephan Gries you mentioned. Can't get them here in Russia.
Dear Raed, yes, as a linguist I am interested first of all in verbalized forms of blendings, Wanted to know how this cognitive mechanism works on separate lexical units like metaphors.
Blending theory – or conceptual integration theory – as formulated by Mark Turner and Gilles Fauconnier in the 1990s has been further developed by Danish semio-linguists, so the model has changed a bit, connected to relevance theory and semiotics. There is an article by Line Brandt and myself 2005, by the way even translated into the Russian in 2006 by one of my students in Cleveland: "Making sense of a blend", where Lakoff-Johnson metaphor theory is also transferred to the new blending format (the surgeon-butcher example). Now Line Brandt, The Communicative Mind, 2014, has an extensive unfolding of the developed theory. I discussed it already in my 2004 book, Spaces, Domains, and Meaning. Essays in Cognitive Semiotics (available for free on the net now). Maybe this is of interest to your question?
Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I meant by blending! Will try to retrieve your book and the article from i-net and then may be I'll have questions. I want to see how it works on metaphors.