I take side with scholars like Jean Piaget, and as a result, I favor constructivism believing that cognitive structures of man's intellectual development are materialized based on man's interaction with the environment through processes of assimilation and accommodation. Notably, the uniqueness of human essence cannot be explained by mere reliance on empiricism or rationalism. The need for more comprehensive and coherent philosophical standpoints are unavoidable.
EPISTEMOLOGY philosophical and methodological discipline, which explores knowledge as such, its structure, structure, functioning and development. Traditionally, it is identified with the theory of knowledge. However, in nonclassical philosophy, there can be a tendency to distinguish between E. and epistemology, which is based on the initial categorial oppositions. If epistemology unfolds its representations around the opposition "subject-object", then for E. basic is the opposition "object-knowledge". Epistemologists proceed not from an "epistemological subject" that realizes cognition, but rather from the objective structures of knowledge itself. The main epistemological problems: How is knowledge organized? What are the mechanisms of its objectification and implementation in scientific-theoretical and practical activities? What are the types of knowledge? What are the general laws of "life", change and development of knowledge? Moreover, the mechanism of consciousness involved in the process of cognition is taken into account indirectly, through the presence in the knowledge of intentional links (nominations, references, meanings, etc.). The object can be considered as an element in the structure of the knowledge itself (the ideal object) or as the material reality of the attribution of knowledge (reality). (Historically, epistemological concepts and problems arise before the epistemological and develop already in antiquity.
The theory of knowledge or knowledge of epistemology or epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and field of knowledge, or the theory of scientific knowledge and is concerned with the search for knowledge, sources and nature. The search for knowledge includes examining the possibility of existence or the inability to know it, and whether it is possible for man through different sciences to recognize certain facts and to reassure the truthfulness of his knowledge and the validity of his knowledge or whether his ability to know things is a matter of doubt and uncertainty. Research in the sources of knowledge is subject to consideration in their sources, tools and methods of research methodology and the ability of these methods to ensure the safety of cognitive achievement. She tries to answer the following questions: What is knowledge? How can knowledge be acquired? How much knowledge of a subject? Research and discussion in this field focuses on the analysis of the nature of knowledge and its relevance to the concepts of truth, faith and repentance.
I believe that meanings in life have to be constructed by all inclusive intelligent beings, with no cause for imposition of ideas. Knowledge to me, is a beautiful artwork designed by all...I am a believer in the constructivism philosophy.
My knowledge is that we are in this life before God's test, but we will die and then return to God and that our destiny and our age in the hand of God and that our livelihood in the hand of God there is no need to fear as long as we are in the eye of God
In general the summary of life: Indeed, to your Lord is the returning.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions about what constitutes knowledge, rationality, justified belief, etc. Your opinions about how we know things, the limits of what we can know, and what constitutes a good standard for evidence are the elements that comprise your epistemology. Everyone has an epistemology whether they consciously reflect on it or not. When people say things like “there is no truth” or “the truth is absolute,” they’re expressing a very specific epistemology. When people say things like “truth can’t be known” or “beliefs are only rational if they’re backed by science” or “science isn’t the only way to know truth,” they’re expressing their epistemology.