Fisheries in most developing countries tend to be small scale, scattered over many small dispersed areas along the coast. Thy are also characterized by multi-species and multi-gear fisheries. For example in Yemen where I am doing my research, the fisheries resources extend over 2500km. The most important fisheries are pelagic fisheries for tuna and tuna like species, demersal fisheries for demersal fish, cuttlefish and shrimp. Recently about 95% of the catch come from the artisanal sector. Industrial foreign fleets used to fish since the seventieths of the last century and they have caused depletion to the stocks of cuttlefish and demersal fish in Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea waters of Yemen. Currently there are no industrial activities in the Red Sea but they are still trawling in the Arabian Sea waters. Catch statistics are highly unreliable and stock status of most key species is unknown, but it is believed that most fish stocks are fully exploited or over-exploited. Fund for research is lacking and MCS activities are weak or absent.

It is unrealistic to think in the same way as data rich fisheries which depend on intensive research for policy and decision making. It is necessary to search for cost-effective approaches for all aspects of fisheries management, including that for data collection, MCS activities and research. Therefore, what are the best ways to manage the fishery taking into account these aforementioned challenges. Therefore, what are the best approaches or management interventions to address these challenges under this complicated situation of such data-less fishery.

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