Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of co-factors properties and transcription regulators (i.e. PKAc-p65 and GR cross talk Doucas, PNAS, 11/2000), reflects an interesting interplay of cell coordination in response to signal control. Despite its relevant importance in physiology and pathology, the phosphorylation process is by itself a very transient situation in the transcription processing control, and therefore represents an emerging situation.
According to the authors, the phosphorylation-mediated recruitment switch of NCoR1 between nuclear receptor subsets which provides a mechanism by which corepressors can selectively modulate liver energy metabolism during the fasting-feeding transition, is in my opinion a site effect.
This is a statistically observed data which could reflect just a transient situation of NCoR1, which in fact could be irrelevant of the role of corepressors in control of liver energy metabolism, which is in fact the real concern.
Article Phosphorylation of the Nuclear Receptor Co-repressor 1 by Pr...