if i compress 1.5 liters of air into 0.2liters volume chamber. how much pressure increases in the chamber(pressure units in pascals). Is it possible to measure this pressure using BMP 180 barometric pressure sensor?
I assume you are going to compress 1.5 liter of air at ambient pressure (1 bar) and temperature to 0.2 liter volume. If you do the compression very quickly, the air will warm up and you can treat this as adiabatic compression, where p1 * V1^gamma = const. For air gamma=1.4 and you get final pressure of p2=16.8 bar.
If you do the compression slowly, so the temperature of the gas is constant, the final pressure is given by p1*V1 = const and you get p2=7.5 bar
The BMP 180 (http://www.bosch-sensortec.com/en/homepage/products_3/environmental_sensors_1/bmp180_1/bmp180) has pressure range 300 ... 1100 hPa, that is 0.3 to 1.1 bar.
This is far to low to be able to measure 7.5 bar or 16.8 bar. Your final pressure will be in any case much much higher than 1.1 bar
If the temperature varies between 2-3 degrees from the initial temperature, then the final pressure should be close to 7.5 bar.
There are many sensors on the market that are made for such high pressure.
What you will select depends on the way how to connect the sensor to the chamber (be careful about possible leaks), what output you require (e.g. analog voltage proportional to the pressure), cost, accuracy, availability in your country etc.