Yes, there is a relationship. I cannot explain it very well, though.
Cancer cells respond to pressure on the membrane by using it as a signal to grow all the more. Normal cells interpret the signal as to stop growing. Other than cancer cells there are other cells which deal with a lot of stress. Heart cells experience a lot of pressure as blood rushes in and out of them, and plant cells deal with a lot of turgor pressure from storing water.
The pathways that say affect cancer through the various types of pressure waves on the membrane are hard to describe because integral membrane proteins in the membrane send the signal through a kinase cascade resulting in signaling transcriptional co-activators being imported into nucleus which bind to transcription factors and result in the expression of genes that reprogram the cells.
Of course this is all so vague. But what is interesting is that the transcriptional co-activator yes-associated protein's (YAP) level of nuclear expression governs the level of cellular stretching. High pressure also activates YAP resulting in pretty much the same phenotype. The mechanism how this happens is unknown. There is a sea of proteins involved in the Hippo Pathway. It is also possible that the pressure waves are transmitted through the cell and flatten the nucleus. This has been studied just a bit, but as you can imagine it is difficult to study the architecture of the nucleus inside a living cell with an intact external membrane.
This article doesn't mention YAP. It is a big puzzle.
In addition to mechanical reasons, there is a whole field of research trying to connect cancer insurgence with phase transitions, bridging micro action of genes and macro-level phenotypes. This is a bit more phenomenological but might give some insights on the production of information during carcenogenesis.
A preliminary introduction is this paper: Article Phase transitions in unstable cancer cell populations
There are several ways in which cancer progression can be related to physics:
1. Cell pressure, and proliferation and cells and expansion in space.
2. Evolutionary dynamics: cell division implies passing on genes, sometimes with mutations. Very few of them are advantageuous to the cells, leading to clonal waves. Such scenarios can be treated using methods from stat phys.
How does evolutionary dynamics relate to cancer?
Nowell, P. C. (1976). The clonal evolution of tumor cell populations. Science, 194, 23–28.
When multiple such waves compete with one another, a complicated dynamical regime of clonal interference:
i) In well-mixed regimes
Desai, M. M., Fisher, D. S., & Murray, A. W. (2007). The speed of evolution and maintenance of variation in asexual populations. Curr. Biol., 17(5), 385–394.
ii) On spatial domains:
On spatial domains, you study fisher waves:
Article Fisher Waves in the Strong Noise Limit
Article Spatial structure increases the waiting time for cancer
Article Cutting through the complexity of cell collectives
This is only a small part of literature, and obviously many authors should be mentioned, but it may you give further directions.
The mentioned scenarios relate to statistical processes out of the equilibrium.