I find it helpful to think of a success in life as a number of desirable capabilities and then consider how best these can be cultivated. I have outlined what some of these might be in this paper - Article Capabilities: The new currency for success in life
Currently I am particularly inteest iin the usefulness of creativity and critical thinking - Book Teaching Creative Thinking: Developing learners who generate...
Thank you for such a wonderful topic of discussion.
The beauty of this topic is that each person will come up with her/ his own answer. The answers will have individuality and yet they all will be correct.
If I am enjoying what I am doing, I consider that as success. That allows me to be a little lazy and not think too much about the end results.
Peace of mind. Good sleep. Well groomed children and happy spouse, if you have a family. A workplace which inspires you to reach every day. Colleagues and friends who never let you go alone.