I wish to invite fellow friends in this channel to share their opinions and thoughts on how to publish in scopus and isi journal the quickest way without having having to pay?
Sharul - there are a whole raft of general advice 'rules' that will enhance an authors chance of success - particularly in higher-ranking journals. The is mainly around 'following the rules' i.e. carefully doing your 'homework' according to the article/journal scope, relevance to readership, quality of manuscript, careful editing and adherence to 'house-style' rules. The attached chapter, where the principles are generic to most disciplines, may assist.
The time generally depends on reviewers (some of them make it quick and some hold the manuscripts very long), editor and number of needed revisions. Check few recent papers from your topic - on each manuscript you will find the dates of first submission, revision and acceptance. Compare it for few papers in each journal. But still it will be not a rule.