Which bacteria is the most pathogenic resistant, other then Step. aerious, worldwide? Step. aerious is well-known to be pathogenic and resistant but what is the second runner up?
Here is the CDC Threat Report for 2013 This will provide a fairly good general source for information on the topic. They rank the drug-resistant bacteria according to threat level based on pathogenicity and the level of resistance, as well as the ability of the ability for the bacteria to spread from one person to another.
Although informative, the link provided by Tiffany Baiocchi only represents some concerning bacteria in the US. In developed countries there are some other important pathogens, as well. For instance, XDR-Tuberculosis is a really fearful one but this pathogen is rare.
Also please pay attention that this question is better to be devided into two questions: 1) The most resistant bacteria: Pundrug-resistant (PDR) bacteria are the most resistant ones (For more information please check this article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03570.x/full).
2) The most pathogenic ones: It's hard to answer this one! The CDC report which was previously mentioned is a good answer for this part. You may also consider bacteria in the level 3 of biohazards (such as M. tuberculosis and Y. pestis) as the most pathogenic ones (I did not find any bacteria in level 4. Please correct me if you have found any).
The PDR pandrug bactreria(Acinetobacter baumanii, Klebseilla pneumonieae) and extensively drug-resistant bacteria(E.coli carbapenem resistant and ERV Enteroccus resistant to vancomycine)