If you are interested in Internal Transcribed Spacer of nuclear ribosomal RNA and its application in phylogenetic analysis, you could take a look at this papers (there are many other similar articles).
If you are interested in Internal Transcribed Spacer of nuclear ribosomal RNA and its application in phylogenetic analysis, you could take a look at this papers (there are many other similar articles).
It is one of the most commonly used sequences for barcoding in fungi. It is usually good to resolve species or even isolates (sometimes) in the same genus. However, due its high variability, it is useless for higher taxa phylogenetics. Its variability varies from taxa to taxa, but stable in general in the same genus and it can be used to set a similarity cutoff for identifying species. In other cases such some Fusarium species complexes, the ITS cannot resolve differences between the species forming those complexes and you need to sequence non ribosomal regions like EFa or RPB
Dear Xabier: Thank you for this information, I am working on Fusarium speciation that caused crown rot on wheat, and my supervisor advice me to use ITS gene sequencing, I will get the result next week and i will see what i get,
Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) refers to a piece of non-functional RNA situated between structural ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) on a common precursor transcript. It is usually good to resolve species or even isolates (sometimes) in the same genus. ITS has proven especially useful for elucidating relationships among congeneric species and closely related genera in Asteraceae as well as clinically important yeast species.The ITS region is the most widely sequenced DNA region in molecular ecology of fungi and has been recommended as the universal fungal barcode sequence.
The ITS region is a portion of information that lies between two genes, and different kind of genes have their own ITS region, for example the 16S-23S ITS region in bacteria and cyanobacteria and the phycocyanin ITS region in cyanobacteria. In the case of bloom-forming freshwater cyanobacteria, for example Microcystis, phycologists have used the variation of both regions to elucidate the difference between species and phylogenetic purposes.