Dear @Alexander, thanks for sharing the question. It seems that you were absent from Researchgate some time. I will read the attached article Osmotic phenomena in application for hyperbaric oxygen treatment!
Dear @Subhash, I have tried the link of your attachment, it does not work. It says that DOI Not Found. I have attached the proper link with article.
The developing importance of the interface between chemistry and biology is probably the largest change to have occurred in chemistry in the past 15 years. Increasingly more chemists work on problems dealing with biology, and interfacial research is poised to move into the main stream of both disciplines
See the reference:
Interface between chemistry and biochemistry Edited by P Jolles and H Jornwall. pp 298. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. 1995. $124 ISBN 3-7643-5081-4
as you know, many separation techniques have been transposed from chemistry to biochemistry. Even the border between biochemistry and molecular biology seems not to be too sharp. But I wish to propose also another interface for consideration.
Recently, my daughter and I took a closer look at X-ray crystallography, which has been initially used to ascertain the structure of simple inorganic crystals, and has been successfully extended to biological macromolecules. Possibly, you know that unexpected problems arose with the determination of the structure of diamond, which was expected to be very simple, i.e. simpler than that of zincblende (ZnS). Raman suggested that a strong IR line at 1332 cm-1 could give rise to a Stokes “frequency mixing”, and to a line observed in the X-range. According to him, the effect should be analogous to the Raman effect in the optical range.
Now, X-ray analysis shows that there are many different kinds of diamond crystals. As carbon is part of the backbone of biological macromolecules, it occurred to us to think that the toxic effects of X radiation on living beings may be linked to “frequency mixing” via a transition state (J. Polany). In fact, in the inorganic range, light sparks chlorine-methane reactions, and hydrogen-chlorine reactions, for example. On organic matter one could expect more delicate and modulated chain reactions. I don’t deny that my daughter is more scared than me by our hypothesis.
Dear @Alexander, thanks for sharing the question. It seems that you were absent from Researchgate some time. I will read the attached article Osmotic phenomena in application for hyperbaric oxygen treatment!
Dear @Subhash, I have tried the link of your attachment, it does not work. It says that DOI Not Found. I have attached the proper link with article.
As the tittle show and the meaning is a basic of metaphysical system which give me opportunity to formulate scientifical apparition of Earth like life onto Earth based CaCO3 behavior water condition (reversible chemical reaction, actually exist some works which can be connected to this explanation and to ancient Chinese medicine of acupuncture – such of way exist scientifically explanation of this medicine)...
Actually, I think there is no stright border. Only if we speak about chemical engineering we can speak about "pure" chemistry. But, on the other hand, what about relation of biochemistry and industrial microbiology. or biochemistry and physiology, or biochemistry and molecular biology or proteomics? Today we can talk only about multidisciplinarity in science. However, if some work is in methodological sense much more "in-coloured" as biochemical than is primarily treated as biochemical.