I want to experimentally measure the EGR ratio in a turbocharged diesel engine. What is the easiest way to measure the EGR rate? I am delighted if someone writes in detail that can help me with this. I tried to measure with oxygen sensors but I could not get out of it! I want help please..

Test engine turbocharged 4-cylinder 2.2 L wdr FORD. Since the engine we are using is turbocharged, we measure O2 from the O2 sensor in the intake manifold more than the amount of O2 in the atmosphere (%20.9).

Therby    EGR rate=(O2(amb)-O2(intake))/(O2( amb)-O2(exh))*100 We  read a minus value from this calculation.

For example:

       EGR rate=100* (20.9-28,5)/(20.9-16)=-155

Therefore, when we reach -155 EGR to 10 EGR, our emission values deteriorate in a great way. is the issue how O2 measurements can be used to measure EGR rate? I want to measure the ratio of EGR with oxygen sensors.

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