20 June 2024 3 491 Report

I understand the basic definition for both. I found a literature to describe both of them.

In the paper, they states:

If a stress is applied to a concrete body, the body experiences an elastic deformation which is, to a first approximation, independent of time. If, however, this stress is maintained for a considerable period of time, the body suffers a further, time-dependent deformation. This additional deformation is com- monly known as creep. In a creep experiment the stress is usually kept constant. If instead of the stress, the length of a stressed specimen is kept constant, the creep leads to a gradual reduction of the stress originally present. This process is called stress relaxation.

Based on the paper’s description, creep and stress relaxation depends on which factor is maintained (I.e. stress or strain).

If strain change, it is a creep deformation

if stress change, it is a stress relaxation.

How do you know which one is change or maintained in the material or in a strcuture? Stress or strain?

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