If surface X-ray diffraction (or EDX, as a 2nd choice) measurement is available in (or adjacent to) your Lab., you might be interested to check/identify related composition(s) with the possible phase(s) K-Au[1-3] (e.g. K2Au, KAu, KAu2, KAu4)[4].
1. Chemical trends in gold alkali alloys...Gold alkali alloys of the formula MAu https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0925838896800302
2. The transition from semiconducting to metallic characters in gold-alkali metal alloys https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960173902296
Thank you for the Asnswer. That helps a lot. I did EDX . Is there a specific method to reduce the amount of Au-K formed on the surface or get rid of it from the surface without damaging the roughed gold?
You claim that "most of the black solid can be removed with water". Also, if you could illustrate (or/and give a ref.) the electrochemical procedure you, already, used for the roughening in KCl, we will try to propose, what might be a helpful modification in your procedure, recommending a reduced potential window.