XRR, XRD Rocking Curve - (ω-2ϴ/ω/φ/χ)Omega-2Theta Scan, Omega Scan, Phi Scan & Chi Scan!
NIST2000SRM - An important HRXRD (High Resolution XRD) Calibration Standard for symmetric and asymmetric reflections used by folks toiling with XRD rocking curve analyses.
Here is the (004) symmetric reflection rocking curve micro video-graph (16Bit, 17fps, 29um, 0.4416 Arc Sec per video frame) for the NIST2000SRM (http://www.nist.gov/) reference standard acquired at MIT. Please share your expertise and experiences with XRD & rocking curve analysis for the best interpretation of this 3D reciprocal space data from 2D real time HRXRD rocking curve observations. Late additions include (224) & (113) asymmetric reflection rocking curve data (16Bit, 12 fps, 27.5um, 0.1154 Arc Sec per video frame). The "back side" of the NIST sample was imaged using the asymmetric "(113)-" (grazing incidence angle) reflection vividly illustrating the serial number and the strain field introduced by the inscription process.
Perovskites: Also included in the data is the (013) asymmetric reflection for samples with thin film of NNO(Nd2NiO4) on a LAO (LaAlO) "monocrystalline" substrate and SrTiCoO film on SrTiO substrate (STCO-STO). This is also a test, to see if the Windows Movie Maker made video, works on RG. It seems like a reasonable "loss free" method of presenting Terabytes of real time 3D XRD video reciprocal space data (each 2D frame is in excess of 0.64GB). Wonder if you folks can view & download the attached videos. For those who can't, YouTube links are attached. Your invaluable feedback will help us improve and will be deeply appreciated. Thanx a million!
3" wafer of SiC 6H (109)- reflection rocking curve analyses added!