Live cell imaging using IncucyteZoom is the best way to measure effect of drugs on rate of cell proliferation. I noticed that despite of how accurate we try to count the cells using automated cell counters (countess) sometimes not all the datapoint do not start at the same point.
If we normalise the data to timepjoint 0 the gradient of the slopes changes which is not ideal.
One researcher stated I should seed cells at different densities and introduce an error in counting and choose the densities that start at the same point which I believe is not correct because you are just increasing additional errors to that of countess and additionally assuming all cells have the same size and shape.
I had been deducting the baseline values of time-point 0 from all time points of respective condition such that all points start at 0. Reason: This deduction will not alter any slopes.
The only problem is when cells reach 100% confluence and plateau deduction of baseline for example: if the confluence started at 20% at 0 time point and reached 100% at 96 h and remains plateau unto day 7 , deducting the value of baseline will show that the cells reached plateau at 80% at 96 h and 120 h. If I plot the data only in the log phase and deduct the baseline I think is the best option.
Can anyone please comment on this and help me out.