Usually results are discussed based on the research questions asked. That helps you organise your thought sequentially and systematically. Try as much as possible to make inferences from the result either by using qualitative means or statistical analysis.
On addition to the expert direction given already, I would add that while sequentially discussing the findings based on the research questions, always use the literature to either confirm, rebut, and/or collaborate the findings from the study. This ties the work with the existing theories and makes it part of the beautiful academic research portrait in the field of study.
Results usually align or deviate or unique to the previous related works. For explaining and discussing these findings, you actually need to use references. Therefore, in most of the cases, literature's are very important to support your result for answering the questions why.
In literature author has to give earlier studies related to our research problem with positive and negative aspects author has to give emphasis on how his study is different from others and what is it's relevance and significance. In results he has to discuss that how his results are in accordance with earlier studies or differ. Author have to discuss probable factors which have influenced our results.
The literature review is made before the research problem is identified. In other words, gap analysis is conducted before actual research work is initiated.
When similar results are obtained the concerned citation which was mentioned that was proved during the investigation should be brought out in addition to further work done by the researcher. This will prove that the work was proceeding in a right direction.
If result contrary to existing literature is observed, further investigation should be made to collaborate the same and logical reasoning for the same be made in research discussions.
It is the usual practice to compare the results of the research and bring out the discussion which may direct the researcher towards conclusion.
Results and findings are preferred to be discussed with the past studies ( review of literature) which is relevant to the issue of the study that the researchers try to find out or solve. In a simple or clear manner, we usually consider the research questions of the study to argue or disargue our findings with the past studies.
Results and discussion are individual chapter in your dissertation..Give results of each parameter which u kept and methodology and the discuss the same with the help of past findings