What is the best method, condition, and strain of E. coli that can be used during transport and storage of large size plasmids "27~35 kbp. Although, I was able successfully transport the target plasmid, 27.3 Kbp, into E. coli JM109 using my preparation of an electro-competent cell and Bio-Rad electroporation protocol, and I confirmed the success of transformation using PCR check and plasmid size after extracted from the positive colony "5ml", but that positive colony didn't show good keeping for the plasmid during the 2nd propagation and has generated smaller plasmids 8 and 4 kbp with diminish its production of the correct plasmid gradually until almost disappeared.. Is it possible to non-fully transcript the whole plasmid during reproduction???

I also tried with the heat shock methods using both E. coli JM 109 and NEB 10 beta strain and many colonies grown on LB-Ampicillin plate; however none of them generates the correct size of the plasmid "27kbp".

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