I am looking for a better software to analyse post translational modifications on the proteins after Mass Spectrometry.
I am purifying AMPylated (Adenylylated) peptides through a two step immunoprecipitation method using AMP(Adenosine monophosphate) specific antibodies. After tryptic digest, I have performed H-CID based MS/MS analysis on these peptides. My techniques is working fine, and I am getting peptides that should be AMPylated or phosphorylated, but I am not observing the modification in the software.
The peptides observed as modified have very low Mascot score and therefore, could not be considered significant. I am using Proteome discoverer 2.4 for analysis. I've tried Mascot too. I added phosphoadenosine (AMP) modification as a variable modification in these softwares. I even tried adding Phosphorylation as a variable modification and they did not show this modification on significant peptides that should be phosphorylated. Can someone guide me alternative methods/softwares to analyse these PTMs?