Adaptation serves as an important strategy to cope with a changing climate and its impacts; however, in response to global climate change effects, countries are likely to invest in traditional options such as infrastructure for flood control. Healthy, well-functioning ecosystems enhance natural resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change and reduce the vulnerability of people. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) offers a valuable yet under-utilized approach to climate change adaptation, complementing traditional actions such as infrastructure development. EbA uses biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people and communities adapt to the negative effects of climate change at local, national, regional, and global levels.
Appropriately designed ecosystem adaptation initiatives can also contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing emissions from ecosystem degradation and enhancing carbon sequestration. One way to make the case for ecosystem-based adaptation, in comparison to other adaptation activities, is from the economic perspective.
Cost-benefit analysis for ecosystem-based adaptation.
Analyze the approaches for adaptation: The most important aspects involved in collecting data are adaptation approaches.
Data collection approach: identify the major projects for EbA. It depends on the community, and a needs analysis is required to design the appropriate data collection tools for EbA
Methods: processing costs and benefits and their cost estimation.
NPV ( Net Present Value Analysis), benefit/cost ratio and IRR need to be analyzed.