08 November 2018 3 9K Report


I'm analyzing a set of data with the following: Group: exp vs control, "stage" 1 vs 2, time point: baseline, 1, 10, and time of day: AM vs PM. Both groups underwent each of the conditions. In actuality, I have 6 different DVs all measured at the same time, but I'm focusing on 1 particular DV currently. I would like to test for differences within the exp group, during both stages, in both AM and PM during all 3 testing time points. Then, I would like test for differences between stages and am vs pm within each group. Finally, I would like to test if each respective stage and time of night is different from the control group. The between measures only need to tests for: "is stage 1 different between groups, at each testing timepoint (e.g. Baseline vs baseline, 1 v 1, 2 v 2)? Is this possible, or are several tests required?

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