scaffold N50 is the median contig size of your genomic assembly. It's a metric that you can use to evaluate the quality of your assembly, since an overly small N50 suggests that you were unable to generate many contigs of biologically meaningful size (i.e. you probably have a lot of bogus little contigs in your assembly). You can increase your N50 by eliminating sequences which are bound to cause you problems, e.g. short repetitive stretches.
note that this metric only applies when doing de novo assembly. If you are aligning to a reference (i.e. for variant discovery applications) this metric doesn't apply
There are many software/tools for doing reference based genome assembly. Probably it depends on the platform you are using for sequencing.
If you are using SOLiD , then you can use bioscope or lifescope which comes with the SOLiD software itself. there are many others too like tophat, bowtie cufflink and may more. you have to choose depending on the platform.