Psycho+ Analysis stands for a simple yet important analysis technique to make sure that any individual suspect is having any Psychic disorders like- Mania, Anxiety (Chronic) or any other type of Phobias. It is performed by asking very general questions and then observing his/her answer, the way of answer and expression and body language.
I trained as a psychoanayst and the process, where it works at all, is on the relationship between analysand and analyst, whereby early relatinships can be looked at and considered in light of a safe relationship. Too often psychoanalysis functions as a knowledge conduit, providing the analysand's insight into their personalities or even childhoods, producing at rare times false memories.
The format of psychoanalysis tends to be more intensive than psychotherapy. The analyst (i.e., clinician) and analysand (i.e., patient) tend to meet 4 or more times per week. The focus tends to be on unconscious factors that affect current relationships and patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It is not uncommon for analysands to lie on a couch in order to facilitate the process. Saying whatever comes to mind and sharing dreams and fantasies is not uncommon. A full definition can be found on the American Psychoanalytic Association's website:
Different people have defined psychoanalysis differently. Commonalities of psychoanalytic practice, according to Shedler (2010), include:
Focus on affect and expression of emotion
Exploration of attempts to avoid distressing thoughts/feelings
Identification of recurring themes and patterns
Discussion of past experience
Focus on interpersonal relationships
Focus on the relationship between the therapist and client
Exploration of one's inner life (e.g., desires, fears, fantasies, dreams, etc.)