The question is asked on p.809 of Feller's 1945 paper THE FUNDAMENTAL LIMIT THEOREMS IN PROBABILITY, see

"Our theorems give precise theoretical information concerning the probable amplitude of the oscillations of Sn(x) as a function of n. It would be of considerable theoretical and practical interest to have more information as to the frequency or wave-length of these oscillations. What can be said concerning the frequency with which Sn(x) changes sign? Many similar questions can be raised, but again very little is known in this direction. (However, in the special case (4) some interesting results were recently obtained by Erdös; they are not yet published.) These questions are related to the iterated logarithm, that is to say, they are of the measure-theoretic or "strong" type. However, there are many open questions of the "weak" type, which are really problems concerning distribution functions and can be formulated in terms of Fourier analysis."

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