I am looking forward about literature related to consumer cognition and important construct related to consumer cognition in making purchase decision for may project .
Markets (read aggregation of all players including consumers) can change and retain shape. Consumer choices and preferences may be doctored through market strategies. This concept of market plasticity has taken roots in recent times. I advise you to look for extensive literature on market plasticity to understand consumer cognition.
In line with recent methodological advances from the cognitive and social psychology literature, consumer researchers have shown strong interest in addressing the nonconscious nature of consumer information processing, attitude formation, and behavioral response.
Beware of focusing too much on CONSCIOUS COGNITIVE processing; it is clear: if we are asked for our cognition after having decided on a product, we will provide a plausible answer, but this is mostly nothing more than a post-rationalization. Rationalization of what you SHOULD have done and an argument why this was rationally important to do so. Try out other techniques, more implicit ones, and people will show very different processing of the very same products, goods or brand. See md-IAT (https://janus.allgpsych.uni-bamberg.de/epaeg_static/md-IAT.html) process or other instruments employed in market psychology.