02 February 2014 27 3K Report

I was recently giving a presentation on some work I have been doing, and I mentioned that I used an inverse distance weighted method to interpolate rain gauge data in various subbasins of the watershed I was analyzing. I realize there are a variety of ways to do this, but someone asked why I didn't use Thiessen polygons. I said I could have used Thiessen polygons but I just hadn't done it that way. Well, the question got me thinking and I was curious to get some other opinions.

I don't like the Thiessen method because it assumes the measured value at the gauge is the "truth" in the vicinity of the gauge. Whereas in my opinion all the gauges in the area provide some inference about the value at other (non-gauge) points in the region. Clearly at a point near one gauge that gauge is a better estimator of the "real precipitation," but in my opinion the values at the other gauges still have meaning. E.g., if you had two gauges next to each other the observed precip values would be different. So on a fundamental level, if I have ten measurements of precipitation in a small bounding box (small on a global scale), do I assume the distribution of observed precipitation values represent spatial variability, or independent estimates of the average value within the box? Hopefully the question is clear. I assume people have thought about this before.

I want to point out this isn't a question about math, but about the distribution and measurement of precipitation with gauges.

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