6 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shimelis Setegn
Usually is not an easy task to choose the best model for a particular application. I need to get other scientists view and experience on modeling of flooding and drought.
08 August 2015 10,079 0 View
Uncertainties of prediction is an issue in hydrological modeling. what are the major sources of uncertainties in modeling exercises.
11 November 2014 7,418 15 View
Sustainability of water resources is becoming a big issue. There must be steps and factors we have to consider for the sustainability of the scarce resources.
10 October 2014 348 1 View
Sound management of the Earth system, in both its natural and human aspects, requires information that is timely, of known quality, long-term, and global. Remote Sensing provides such information...
10 October 2014 917 5 View
Weather and climate play a significant role in people's health. The impacts of climate change on health will depend on many factors including the effectiveness of a community's public health and...
06 June 2014 5,441 8 View
Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources, agriculture and public health is an important issue. It is not an easy task to evaluate the impact of climate change on health. I...
05 May 2014 1,637 11 View