My modified UASB is still full of nitrogen but a decreasing methane content as it is starting up. The pH remains around 8. I stopped the feed. Is it good to continue feeding or there is other relevant parameter to check?
I would need more detail on your research design for specific suggestions. But with existing information, I am trying to address your question. You can read this article: Article Energy harnessing from banana plant wastes: A review
to get more information on Anaerobic Digestion. Just read the AD section. I think your C/N ratio is not optimal for methane production. Addition to this, please check the level of AMMONIA (as its presence drop down the CH4 production) in your system. As per my knowledge, these parameters are very crucial specifically for your prototype.
is it full of ammonia? so ammonia may be inhibiting the methanogenesis. If that-s the case, the reason could be you are feeding too much or the feed is too concentrated. How much is the HRT?